Indiana land buying guide

Buying Land in Indiana? What You Don’t Know Will Cost You!

Buying land for a new home or business? Many folks look to rural areas to get away from the urban sprawl that’s developed around them over the years. However, before you decide to leave it all and buy land for your dream home in the country be sure to look through this short guide to avoid costly mistakes.

Buying Land in Indiana

Land real estate

Real Estate, as you know is all about location.  Consider whether you are looking rural or urban. Land is generally cheaper in rural areas. However, several factors should be considered when choosing rural acreage.

Purchasing land provides you freedom to build a home or business to your specifications. Rural areas also provide cleaner air and plenty of space. Remember that land is unique, so finding acreage that fits your needs including trees, waterfront, and other environmental concerns should all be considered.

Factors to Consider Before Purchasing

Several factors should be considered before purchasing.

Zoning Restrictions

Land is zoned by local authorities under rigid guidelines. These zoning requirements must be followed. Learning zoning requirements of the potential acreage will tell you immediately whether you can build the sort of structure you desire. Also, you should consider future zoning plans for surrounding areas that may affect your property value.

Environmental Concerns

Be sure to check for negative environmental attributes. These include fumes, local farm animal nuisances, odors and sounds from neighboring businesses or roads. Do your homework. Be sure to check out the potential acreage plus the surrounding areas that may affect your enjoyment of the property. It’s also a good idea to question local planning officials about new developments in the area. For instance, you don’t want to buy land then find out an airport is going in next door in a year.

Easements and Natural Hazards

If you must cross an adjoining parcel to reach your land, then an easement may be needed. Find out who maintains the easement or road and determine your portion of the upkeep. Also, what rights do your neighbors have for crossing your land? Title insurance should disclose easements and restrictive covenants and conditions.

A natural hazard disclosure can tell you any problems with soil. Some areas have naturally occurring asbestos in rocks and soil. Also, a disclosure provides information on any protected habitat in the area.  Remote locations may lack proper fire department services. Some owners choose to maintain a private pond for emergencies such as fire.  Ordering a survey of the acreage is a great way to cover these concerns.


If paying cash without financing, obtaining your own appraisal to determine an appropriate price before making an offer allows you to compare prices with others like it in the area.  However, it’s difficult to compare because of its unique qualities.

Buying land in Indiana can be a frustrating process without proper expertise and experience.

Are you seeking land to buy in Indiana? Call Jeff from Ratliff Realtors at 317-485-2100. Jeff has seen it all when it comes to purchasing land and has helped many people over the years avoid costly errors.